Thursday, February 11, 2010

happy chinese new year ++++++++ valentines day.......

happy valentines day....
only for all those who are couple....
wish those who haven have a bf....
go and grab 1....

cny coming soon....
which mean is a week for me to grow fat....
food food food food everytime and day...

oh ya....
my uncle bought me an i-pod nano....
is PINK in colour....
althought i don really like that colour...
but is better than nothing right..

friday friday...
ponteng today....
i put yuet shuang pigeon...
which is very very bad....
( don ever do this to your friend!!!!!!!)

jeanezz >w<

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

not again!!!!!! o.,o ****

A. You prefer...

1. Alcohol or Mineral Water → mineral water
2. Blue or Pink → blue
3. Hot Guys ( Hot guys like Taylor Lautner ) or Cool Guys → cute guys ONLY!!
4. Good Looks or Brains → Both
5. Taylor Swift or Taylor Lautner → Taylor Swift
6. Friends or Loved Ones → both!!!
7. "Baby" or "Honey" → baby beetter!!

B. Your/You kind of guy :

1. Alcoholic or Non-alcoholic → Non-alcoholic of course..
2. Good or Bad → half!!!
3. Brave or Cute → cute
4. Tall or Short → Tall---obviously
5. T-Shirt or Suite → t- shirt..
6. Coat or Leather Jacket → Coat..
7. Sunnies or Spectacles → sunnies...
8. Caring or Rich → both...
9. Kisses or Hugs → Hugs >w<
10. Romantic? → Yes!!!!!!!

C.Your Daily Activities :

1. After Breakfast → sleep!!!
2. Before School → sleep!!!
3. During School → chit chat with friends...
4. After School → piano thingy..
5. Night → sleep!!!
6. Midnight → kicking my toy to the floor!!!(wahaha>.<)
7. Holidays → sleep (o.o)

Tag 10 people:
1. nothing!!!

jeee@@@@nezZzZZzz (o.,o) lll

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

i am back!!!!!!!!! >w<

long time no see.....
playing playing and playing all day long.....

no time to write more....
feel like deleting this blog...
distract me playing.....


Saturday, October 31, 2009

lullaby >.<

thinking of that song that it should be for babies nowadays.....
feel like become a baby again....
cute and cuddly....
(i am not perasan!!!!!)

main point today.....
very very very fun & boring.....
there were only 7 or 8 ppl in cengal.....
only 1 boy....

oh well....
no boys even better.......
don know y.....
maybe i don like boys very much....
or maybe i kena 恐男症....





Tuesday, October 6, 2009

my never ended dream>>>>>>>

i have a dream....
a wonderful dream....
i dream that there were no exams...
no school....
no activities....
only a bunch of lollipop, cotton candy and lots more for me to eat....
it was really fantastic....
but sadly...
it won't happen at all....
the world maybe will end...
as now happening so much diasters...
firstly i don't believe it...
but now...
i believe....
maybe there were only 2 more years for me to eat and play...
then maybe all of us will gone forever...
can't play anymore....
or even chit-chating....
so now....
i love to go to school....
playing or even reading with friends....
feel like want to spend more time with them....
with parents....

so really really appreciate wat u have now....
don't be sad when u don't have it...


Thursday, September 17, 2009


this post is should be post before the holiday...
but i post it now... hehe>.<>
the 78th birthday cake(quite creamy)

waited for so long only can sad!!!!

left to right:me,1 of twin cousin sister,tong tong(naughty than me),wen nee(hehe..very cute)

haha>.<>arh....the twins finally...

look at the camera.....wen nee

at night...
we came back...
everyone wearing pyjamas...
my elder cousin sister like toys like me>.,<

go watch the 3rd picture...
the tong tong gal....
the 1 who pluck my polar's fur.....
by author

Saturday, September 12, 2009

erm ya....
since last holiday...
i didn't even post anymore...
cause lazy and don know wat to write.....
so sad....

my bear tree family....
cute right...
from left to right:

polar bear*polar

the small dog down there in polar's arm*mary

the goat up there*羊羊

below羊羊*mary the second

the big bear*熊熊

the dog up there*狗狗

the forever childish author:

jeanezz >.<